Friday, February 5, 2010

The Stupidest Questions You've Heard

Como muchos se habran dado cuenta ya, la estupidez en el mundo es abundante, pero hay lugares en donde se concentra un poco mas, los Cruceros son uno de ellos, en particular en los Guests. Es precisamente gracias a tal estupidez que tengo material para este post. Cada dia, ya sea en la Galeria, en el Estudio o caminando por ahi (en el barco, claro) se me/nos acerca alguien con una (o varias) pregunta(s) estupida(s), de esas que te hacen querer rolar los ojos, darte la vuelta y retirarte, pero a las que tienes que sonreir y contestar con el menor grado de sarcasmo posible--dificil tarea!

Es por esa estupidez concentrada en mi lugar de trabajo que me di a la tarea de reunir (con ayuda de mis companheros) una lista con algunas de las preguntas mas estupidas que un Guest ha hecho. Se que por momentos no lo parecera, pero todas y cada una de ellas son absolutamente veridicas, no hay nada inventado ni exagerado. La lista tendra 3 lineas por pregunta, cada una refiriendose a los siguiente:

- La Pregunta del Guest (Guest Question=GQ)
- La Respuesta que que mueres por darles (Deserved Answered-DA)
- La Respuesta que le tienes que dar (Real Answer=RA)

1. - How would I know if someone took my picture?
- You should of had a camera on your bloody face!
- Did you someone hold a camera and it flashed in front of you? If so, they took your picture.

2. - Do these stairs go up or down?
- I just stare at them waiting for them to realize how stupid they are.
- It depends where you wanna go sir/ma'am.

3. - How do I know which are my pictures?
- Um, coz they have your stupid face on it!
- Let's see, were you there when the picture was taken?

4. - Do you work here?
- Nah, I just like to wear uniform, nametag and pretend like I do but I'm really just chilling around.
- Ahem, yes, how can I help you?

5. - Do you speak English?
- Of course, you idiot, that's the official language on a ship, you have to in order to work here!
- Yes, how can I help you?

6. - Do the elevators go to the back of the ship or the forward?
- Both ways and there's one more that goes straight to your house, you moron!
- No, sir, you have to walk to go back and forth, elevators only go up and down.

7. - The crew lives on board?
- No, we go home every night after our shift and come back very early in the morning to start a new day at work.
- Yes, we do.

8.- Excuse me, the CD's you sell with the pictures are Mac compatible?
- You idiot, there's no such thing as an image CD being Mac/Windows compatible...every comp reads those!
- Yes, they are.

And well, there are a few more, of course but I am still collecting them, I'll update when I get them.

P.D. Perdon por el post en Ingles, se me fue la onda y ya me da fiaca traducir jeje.

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