Saturday, April 24, 2010


"300 dollar?...that's like, what...600 mexican dollar?" Dini Tesyawatie--lol we SHOULD use mexican dollar and our economy might do better!

"What can I do to make you smile again" - Henno 'baby food' Gerber--awww, he was being sweet when I was having a terrible day.

"Diana, if I get a phrase in English, would you translate it into 'Mexican'?" - Monica Moller--lol no, not Spanish but Mexican, with slang and all lol

"...tambien escucha a maria daniela q es muy buena pa' poner d wenas" - Gichef--it's funny coz it's true

"G - Donde estas ahora?
D - St. Thomas, ya sabes...
G - 'St Thomas ya sabes'.... lo dices como si dijeras.. en la peralvillo con mis abuelos ya sabes" - Convo between me + Gerardo--lol I do feel like like that, I have to come every week even if I don't want to!

"...vamos a ir a pachuca a la misa del sabado en la noche a bendecir velas para el fin del mundo :'(" - Gichef mucking Mumsy a lil bit hehe

"TODO siempre es un regalo, una bendición por que está ahí para hacernos ver y darnos cuenta de lo que nos hace falta para poder estar listos." - Marius

"...yeah he was kinda sick for some time...always about you, dunno what was so special about you, you bitch" - Jen Canhelas--well, guess she'll never know now, will she? lol

"there are good days, there are bad days...and there are formals :(" - Irena Jevric--she's right, on a formal night, anything can happen!

"...each person we let ourselves care about is just one more loss somewhere down the line" - M. Grey--Grey's Anatomy

Ve la lista completa de Diana's Quote Collection aqui.

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